Making Informed Decisions
About the Property
Purchasing a new home is likely one of the most significant buying decisions you will ever make. A comprehensive investigation of the property by HBS Property Inspections will allow you to make an informed decision based upon our findings. Our thorough, user friendly inspection report will detail the current condition of the property so that you understand precisely what you are buying. This knowledge will provide peace of mind and confidence that the correct decision has been reached.
The Inspection Report:
A Valuable Tool
Our unbiased and non-invasive inspections comply with ASHI’s rigorous Standards of Practice. We welcome and encourage you to be present during the inspection so that your inspector can point out and explain deficiencies, safety issues and recommended maintenance and to answer any questions you may have. The report is delivered to you within 24 hours and your inspector is always available to answer any questions you many have after reviewing the report.


Sellers who want to address issues in the home before potential buyers find them should schedule a Pre-Listing Inspection. We will perform a thorough inspection of the home prior to listing so that the seller can make repairs before issues are discovered by the buyer’s inspector. Having a Pre-Listing Inspection performed can also help the seller come to a more accurate listing price, reduce issues with negotiations and eliminate conditional offers, often helping the home to sell more quickly and at or above its asking price.


Building any structure from the ground up requires the coordination and cooperation of many trades and workers. A mistake by anyone at any step of the construction process can result in defects that cost the homeowner money in the future. Scheduling one of our New Construction inspections prior to your final walkthrough with the contractor can ensure that any problems caused by poor workmanship or poor quality materials are corrected by the contractor before they become an expensive repair.


Some defects are only visible after time and the seasons have had a chance to affect the home. We recommend scheduling one of our 11th Month/Builders Warranty Inspections to ensure that no new defects have been exposed since the final walkthrough. This will allow clients to have the builder make the repairs to correct any defects before the one-year warranty they provide on many materials and work can expire. Otherwise, this would leave the financial burden for any repairs on the homeowner.


It is vitally important to follow up on the repairs to any defects found during the original home inspection. Scheduling a Re-Inspection with us will allow us to examine the work to make sure that repairs of the original defects were performed correctly and that no new issues have emerged during the repair process.


Radon is a colorless, odorless gas that can only be detected by testing. When present at dangerous levels, radon can cause major health problems. In fact, it’s the leading cause of lung cancer among non-smokers. Our inspectors are certified by and members of AARST-NRPP. Radon inspections determine if the air quality radon levels in the dwelling meet EPA action level standards. Knowledge of radon levels in the dwelling will help put your mind at ease and protect the members of your household. For more detailed information and guidance refer to the EPA publication " A citizens guide to radon".